Our Mission
Kanda Farm Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit farm sanctuary committed to saving farmed animals through rescue and education on living a compassionate lifestyle while promoting kindness and appreciation for all beings.

Our Start
Kate and Andrew Yundt have always had an intense love for animals and helping those in need. After learning of the horrors farmed animals face, we knew veganism was the only compassionate way to live. We also realized most people do not know much about farmed animals. We made it our personal mission to spread the message of how amazing these animals are and the horrors millions of them face on a daily basis. This is how Kanda Farm Sanctuary began.
Kanda Farm Sanctuary was officially established in 2018 and is located on 4.5 acres in Ambia, IN, about 30 minutes west of West Lafayette.
Our Future
We strongly believe all living beings deserve the basic right to live a life free of fear, pain, and hunger. It is our mission to not only rescue those we can, but to educate about the horrors farmed animals face. We hope that by showing people how these animals are supposed to live, free and happy, they will chose to stop contributing to their suffering. If you would like to know more about living a cruelty-free life, please send us an email. We are always here to help anyway we can!
We also could not make Kanda a reality without all your love and support. We would like to thank everyone who has helped us save so many lives!